Monday, November 9, 2009

This fetus is kicking my ass. 11 weeks 1 day.

The baby is now the size of a key lime but it's doing the damage of a monster truck. I started to think last week that the "morning" sickness was subsiding, but oh - wait - not so fast there, mama bear. I can't wait for the day when I have more to write about than feeling queasy. What the heck, I'll give it a whirl!

...I bought a baby book last weekend. I filled in all the areas I could, glued in some pictures, and examined my work about 18 times.

...The pregnancy hormones are officially in full swing. I've had a few moments of rage, which strangely are quite therapeutic. Being direct and bitchy is fun sometimes, and can come in handy! For instance, when you are trying to turn left onto one of the busiest streets in Tulsa and the person behind you honks, you can give them the bird with no remorse. You can also hand out choice words to unruly football fans when they are trashing your team. Again, with no remorse. Pregnancy is quite liberating! On the flip side of that, poor Jimmy gets the wrong end of the rage every now and then too. Sorry shmoops.

...Not only do the hormones sometimes make me crazy, they often make me emotional. Even a particularly touching life lesson on "The Simpsons" can make me tear up.

...I'm down 10 pounds now. I've never lost 10 pounds in my life. Who knew that to lose weight all you have to do is stop eating? Quite a concept. Of course I'm not particularly excited to be losing weight at this point when I should be gaining. I know a lot of pregnant women lose weight in the first trimester, I guess this is normal. My concern is that I'm not getting all the nutrients the baby needs. I can't really eat vegetables, I haven't had more than 50 ounces of water in a day over the last six weeks (usually it's more like 20-30 ounces), and I sometimes have to skip my prenatal vitamin (it makes me barf). The food I eat isn't always the healthiest either. I eat a lot of carbs and other bland items. I'm definitely not getting enough fiber or leafy greens. The word on the street is that the "morning" sickness ends with the first trimester; if that's the case then I'm home free in two weeks! I cannot WAIT until food sounds good again and I'm chugging gallons of water every day.

...My Grandma's 75th birthday is the day before Thanksgiving so we're throwing her a giant surprise party Thanksgiving evening. I'm really excited about it because a) Grandma is awesome and deserves a kick-ass party, and b) I'm going to tell the family the good news that night! I don't want to steal Grandma's thunder but it's the perfect time to spread the news, when everyone will be together for the holidays.

Hey look, I did it! So there are other things going on besides feeling like crap.

TTFN, ta ta for now!

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