Saturday, November 28, 2009

It's official! 13 weeks 6 days.

Thanksgiving was a couple days ago, and since all the families were together we took that opportunity to share the good news. And it was so great. It felt really good to tell everyone and see how surprised they were. My Grandma made a toast to us at her birthday party and announced it to everyone, which was really nice. She did a great job. The next day I announced on Facebook, which sounds totally lame but that actually felt pretty good also. No more secrets! Now if only the belly would pop out so I will actually look preggo...

I can actually feel some firmness in my lower abdomen now and some of my jeans are a little snug around the belly. I got this amazing stretchy/spandexy thing called a Bella Band that you put on over your unbuttoned jeans to get more usage out of your pre-pregnancy clothes. I tried it for the first time on Wednesday and let me tell you I have never felt so comfortable in my life! Oh man, it was glorious! I can't wait to get into maternity pants now - elastic waistbands, here I come!

We ordered our first big baby item online early Friday morning (Black Friday sale at BRU)! We will have our amazingly comfortable glider rocker in about a week, I can't wait!

The nausea is letting up a bit. I just have to watch myself and not eat too much and then I'm fine. It's only a matter of time before I start noshing all day long. I can't wait for that either. Still no weight gain but that will come with the noshing!

Nap time!

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