Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Where has the time gone? 16 weeks 2 days

So it looks like I haven't been on here in almost three weeks. Guess I've been busy? To be honest I can't remember what I did yesterday, let alone three weeks ago. Will, Amy, Ryan Paul and Kate were here last week so we got the opportunity to experience what it's like having a newborn in the house. Kate is a really good baby - she does the usual sleeping, crying, eating thing every couple hours. Other than that she just kind of hangs out and poops. Ah, the life of a baby.

I've been feeling... "better" lately. I say "better" because I still can't eat much and even when I watch how much I eat I generally still feel crappy afterward. But I haven't thrown up in four weeks and I think I may have gained a pound. That makes me -9 pounds so far. I've been chugging water lately and am really making an effort to eat healthier now that I can actually eat. Bring on the baby weight - in the belly only, please.

The belly is slowly but surely popping out! When I woke up the day after Thanksgiving I felt huge! Could have been a result of all the tasty turkey day food, but I'm gonna say it was all baby. My favorite thing to do every morning is to give the belly a little rub and see how much it has grown from the day before. Jimmy likes to touch the belly as often as I will let him (I still feel flabby a lot of the time) and gets really excited when it feels especially firm. Some of my jeans are starting to get a little snug, but thanks to my Bella Band I haven't had to buy any maternity pants yet. I can't wait until I have an actual bump so I can wear clothes that fit me and I don't just look chubby anymore.

I stole this questionnaire from some other pregnant gal's blog. Thought it would be fun to fill it out every week.
  • How far along?: 16 weeks
  • Weight gain: -9 pounds
  • Maternity clothes: Bella Band occasionally
  • Sleep: Not as peaceful as it once was. I wake up several times a night, whether it's to get up to go to the bathroom or just turn over A LOT. And I wake up about 30-45 minutes before my alarm goes off every morning. I hate that.
  • Stretch marks: No
  • Movement: No :( But paying close attention for those little "flutters" everyone talks about.
  • Gender: I really think it's a girl. Really.
  • Best moment of this week: Hopefully tomorrow at the doctor when I get to hear the baby's heartbeat.
  • Food cravings: Bacon, carbs or whatever doesn't sound gross.
  • Belly button in or out: In
  • What I miss most: Being able to eat whatever leftovers are in the fridge or whatever is handy. Now if I eat something once I never want it ever again.
  • What I'm looking forward to: 20 week ultrasound!
  • Weekly wisdom: Don't let the hormones get the best of you.
  • Milestones: The baby has ears!

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