Thursday, December 24, 2009

Holy Baby Bump! 17 weeks 4 days

I woke up a few days ago and it looked like the stork had delivered my belly overnight! It was quite shocking and a happy arrival. I'm sure there was some bloat involved but wow. I haven't been able to button my jeans all week! Thank goodness for the Bella Band. I think I will actually have to get some maternity jeans next week though. Elastic banded pants, here I come...

I have been eating like a champ this week. A couple times I've over done it and felt sick at night or the next morning but other than that I'm really just happy to be eating regularly. Jimmy gets really excited when it's meal time because he's sure I'm going to start pigging out any day now and he can't wait to see that. Why? I have no idea. Because he's sick and he desperately wants to go to Golden Corral to see me tear it up.

I really wish we had some names picked out!!! We decided a while back that we would wait to have a serious discussion about names once we know if it's a boy or a girl, that way we only have to make one list. Makes sense, right? I agree, but lately I've really wanted to know what we're going to call the little gal or little guy. I have several girl names that I think are really cute, but maybe only one boy name I kind of like. Of course Jimmy hates every name a throw out. That is so frustrating. Naming this kid will be no easy task.

We find out if it's a boy or girl in three weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so stoked. I'm taking the day off and we're going to register after we leave the doctor's office. I really would like to have a name shortly after we find out the gender. I think once we know the gender and have a name then it will be so much more real. And we can call the baby by his or her name instead of saying "it". I just can't wait. Knowing us I'll be in labor before we decide on a name.
  • How far along?: 17 weeks
  • Weight gain: -6 pounds
  • Maternity clothes: Bella Band with all my jeans and some of my work pants. I'm having to wear longer shirts to cover the Band too.
  • Sleep: Not bad. I have a hard time sleeping in but other than a little tossing and turning I get pretty good sleep.
  • Stretch marks: Nope - I'm using Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Balm every chance I get.
  • Movement: I think I might have felt a little something a couple days ago - but it could have been gas, I really don't know. But I am paying very close attention just in case!
  • Gender: I still really think it's a girl.
  • Best moment of this week: This week has been a little crazy - Grandma Z. had heart surgery on Monday and the entire family has been here all week. I don't remember the last time we all hung out this much so that has been really nice. I got to spend some good time chatting with my Grandma before she went into surgery and I really enjoyed that. And now it's Christmas eve, I'm snuggled up with the dogs and we're supposed to get snow later today, so all in all it's been a good week!
  • Food cravings: Chinese food. Panda Express just opened up around the corner - they don't even know what's about to happen to their supply of egg rolls and fried rice...
  • Belly button in or out: In
  • What I miss most: My energy. I've felt really bummed that I don't go out much anymore, but then when I do go out I'm not into it - like I really don't care where I am or what I do. I just feel very blah all the time. I need to perk up!
  • What I'm looking forward to: 20 week ultrasound!
  • Weekly wisdom: Always carry a snack - you never know when hunger will strike!
  • Milestones: The belly is here! The baby is about 5 inches long, weighs about 5 oz and is the size of a sweet potato.
Are you gonna eat that?...

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