Thursday, October 29, 2009

WTF. 9 weeks 4 days.

I threw up in a parking lot last Sunday. It was awful. I would like to offer my formal apology to the owners and patrons of Tally's Good Food Cafe for the disgusting show I put on as I hung my head out the car door. Thank god it was 4:00 and no one was around (that I saw at least). I really wanted to do something to clean it up but all I could do was pour out the remainder of a bottle of Aquafina in an attempt to wash the evidence away. Needless to say the rest of my Sunday was spent on the couch watching some old movies with Jimmy. Did I tell you how much I love Netflix? So many great movies right at your fingertips. Who needs Blockbuster? Apparently no one since they're going bankrupt. But I digress...

Other than the barfing on Sunday I've been able to eat semi-decent amounts of food, probably a third to a half of what I used to eat, sometimes less. I went to Oktoberfest last Saturday and didn't get to enjoy any beer of course but I did sample some tasty bratwurst and kraut. Mazzio's pizza is my fave lately. Most things I eat once I never want to eat or smell again. Isn't that weird? BUT if I don't think about it and just go for it and start eating something usually I can make some good progress. It's the most annoying thing ever. I really hope I'm one of the lucky ones whose nausea ends with the first trimester. That would mean only have 3 more weeks of this crap!

Here's a breakdown of what I can and cannot enjoy these days. I miss food and eating and coffee so much. :(

Things I Cannot Eat/Drink:
ranch Style Beans
really cheesy food
non-bottled water
prenatal vitamins (don't worry I take them. I just don't like it.)

Okay I can't finish this list, it is making me feel like I might barf. Seriously.

Things I Can Eat/Drink:

It's a short list but it works.

Smells I Can't Stand:
fabric softener
laundry detergent
cleaning supplies
pan-cooked or Forman-grilled chicken
really savory smells
my vitamins
the dogs
my house
pretty much everything

I cannot wait for week 13..........................

Sad face, :(

Saturday, October 24, 2009

First Profile Shot. 8 weeks 5 days

Here I am! Of course there's nothing to show yet but this will serve as my starting point and it will be fun to see the belly grow from here...

I'm going to Oktoberfest today to NOT drink delicious beers. Hopefully the nausea will take a break and I can enjoy some knackwurst and kartoffelpouffen.

Here's hoping!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

First Ultrasound! 8 weeks 3 days

I had my first 'real' Dr. appointment on Monday, October 19. Jimmy came along and they did my first ultrasound, which was soooo awesome. We actually got to see the little butter bean and hear the heartbeat in surround sound! The baby looked pretty much like a blob, but wow that heartbeat was so crazy! It was a super strong 169 bpm. The tech said everything looked perfect so that was good news. She also said I was measuring 8 weeks and 1 day, which gave me a two day jump! It's only two days but I will gladly take them.

Jimmy got to meet Dr. Ribaudo, who was very excited for us and very helpful and informative as usual. I really like my doctor. I got really lucky considering I didn't do much research or interview any other doctors before I decided on her. She prescribed me a generic of Zofran, which is given to people with severe nausea. I don't feel like mine is too 'severe' really, but it does pretty much ruin any time I spend awake so I figured I would try the medicine. And boy am I glad I did. I took one as soon as I could on Monday and I felt AMAZING the whole rest of the day! I'm pretty sure I even ate dinner that night. Then yesterday I had three whole meals - smaller of course than what I would have normally eaten, but three meals nonetheless. Today I didn't take any Zofran until around 6:00pm and I had a pretty good, nausea-free day. It looks like things are turning around! And I'm so glad, because there is nothing more frustrating than feeling sick and hungry all the time and being able to do nothing about it. I lost seven pounds these last three weeks but it looks like I may be putting it all back on soon (maybe in boob weight alone - yikes!).

I'll have ultrasound pictures up soon, as soon as Jimmy remembers to scan them.

With a pep in my step,

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Don't want to speak too soon buuut.... 7 weeks 3 days

...maybe this nausea thing is fading! Last night I actually ate in a restaurant, which has been one of my fears lately. All kinds of food smells make me sick these days so I wasn't so sure I could sit in a restaurant for long. Well, it went fine and I even ate real food! I had some fried rice (ate around the chicken) and didn't feel too bad until this morning. Success! Tonight I managed to make chili and enjoy some of it with the Fritos Scoops that Jimmy was so kind to pick up for me. Now I have to choke down my prenatal vitamin, which could ruin this whole thing.

First real doctor appointment is Monday! Should be hearing a little heartbeat if all goes well. Can't wait!


Saturday, October 10, 2009

I'm such a wimp. 6 weeks 5 days

I've had this "morning" sickness crap for 10 days now and I'm already at my wit's end. It's not that I just feel a little queasy here and there, it also makes me moody and pissed off and hungry for I never know what exactly and totally cuts into my daily routine. I have been doing almost nothing besides going to work and then sitting on the couch for the last two weeks. Today I thought maybe I'll go out tonight, that will be a good change of pace. I'll get to see my friends and get out of the house and - oh no - wait. You have to be miserable all night, remember? You silly girl, who said you could have a life? I'm sure this sounds dramatic but I'm used to going out and about as I please. Not that I'm terribly adventurous but at least before I could go out to dinner with people, go out for a drink, go to the gym, shop, hell - whatever I felt like! Now I don't even feel like I have the will or the energy to go to Wal*Mart, and the Wal*Mart is literally in my neighborhood. My poor husband. He has to deal with me being depressed and not ever knowing what I feel like eating and being whiny and sad all the time. He's such a trooper.

Earlier today, before I felt like crap, Jimmy and I had a lovely afternoon together. I got us breakfast from Meritt's, we watched the OSU game at Leon's, then we went to Babies 'R' Us to get an idea of what this kid is going to cost us. It was shocking, to say the least, when we added up the tab; but it was also nice to get out of the house and talk about what colors we like for the room, what kind of stroller we want.... It was really funny to watch Jimmy walk through the store in amazement at all the stuff we will have to buy. I thought I knew more about what babies need than I do apparently. Thank goodness they had a handy checklist to really freak us out. According to the BRU people, we will need no less than four strollers, three swings, and roughly 97 bibs. I mean really.

Okay I'm going to bed so I can sleep off this nausea. Here's hoping tomorrow at Shalomfest will be more enjoyable!

Totally bitter,

Friday, October 9, 2009

Not for the faint of heart. 6 weeks 4 days

I finally barfed. I actually had two meals and a snack yesterday. I sure was feeling like a champ. I took my prenatal vitamins before I went to bed and then it was all down hill. Not 10 minutes later I was praying to the porcelain god. Let me tell you, there is nothing worse than throwing up pills that contain fish oil. Oh, the horror.

I'm still feeling yucky all the time and not eating or drinking very much. I haven't had coffee in a week! But at least I only have the one job now so I have lots of time to relax in the evening. I don't know that I've ever had this much free time. In the past 10 years I've either had work and school or two jobs simultaneously. I find it very strange that I get to come home at 5:00 every day and do whatever I want. Strangely, I'm not quite sure what to do with myself most of the time. I thought once I had all this free time I would have lots of hobbies and fun things to do. Um, yeah, about that. I need a hobby. Any suggestions? I'm going to start creating my robot costume for Halloween soon so that will take up some time. Other than that I'm just chillin!

Amy and Will's baby is due tomorrow! I talked to Amy today and she is having some mild contractions but nothing to get too excited about. I should have a niece or nephew in the next few days!

Bored and barfy,

Monday, October 5, 2009

Blargh. 6 weeks

It started Thursday. I was doing fine except for a little back pain in week five, so I thought maybe I would be the lucky gal who never had morning sickness or the other usual pregnancy bothers. Then Thursday night I decided I hated chicken. If I even say the word the chunks start to rise. Friday and Saturday I managed a few small meals but I sure didn't enjoy it. Who would have ever thought that I of all people would turn away food? Sunday was awful. We were set to host family dinner that evening and every time I thought about what we should make for dinner I wanted to heave the toast I choked down that morning. I felt so sick that morning I figured the best thing to do was sleep as much as possible, that way I could be unconscious of my misery. I crashed for a couple hours, which made for a nice Sunday afternoon, and then Jimmy and I managed to throw a Tex-Mex dinner together for the fam.

I haven't blown chunks yet, thank goodness. I just feel a general sense of yuckiness mixed with nausea and dizziness at all times.

On a happier note, we told my family the good news yesterday and they were really excited. Amy and Will's baby is due on Saturday so we talked about how cool it is that our kids will only be 8 months apart. I can't believe I have to wait 34 more weeks.... oh well, we need the time.

Totally stoked and slightly queasy,

Sunday, October 4, 2009


My first post! I'm generally not into sharing my thoughts with jillions of people but I thought this would be a fun way to document all the excitement of impending motherhood. Stay tuned for the morning sickness, swollen feet, and fat pants-buying of this first timer. Should be a good time.