Wednesday, March 16, 2011

She's Back!

And boy am I glad. Last weekend was rough - Zoey's fever got up to 104 every day from Friday to Monday, which totally freaked us out. I called the doctor's office after hours twice, and their nonchalance as I frantically listed all of Zoey's symptoms was incredibly frustrating. The doctor I talked to on Sunday told me there was nothing else we could do besides give her fever reducing medicine as often as possible. When you have a miserable infant with a fever that high you want someone to tell you exactly what to do to make it stop. According to the doctor there was nothing else that could be done, so we followed his direction and gave Zoey Advil every 6-8 hours. Jimmy and I had plans to go out to dinner on Saturday to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary and my birthday, but we just felt so bad for the Zobot that we decided to stay in. We ordered some delicious take-out and watched a movie; it wasn't what we had planned but it was still a lovely evening.

Yesterday Zoey woke up fever free and remained that way throughout the day. Hooray! I worked a half day and then came home to hang out with her, and we had a blast. She was so incredibly happy and just back to her normal self. Today she had a great day at daycare, aside from napping only an hour, so she crashed at 6:45 tonight. Little Lamb was exhausted. I feel like I barely got to see her today, but I'm glad she's getting some good rest. I'm sure she'll make up for it by waking up at 3:00am, ready to eat and play!

As I type this I can practically feel my tonsils swelling and my ears are throbbing. If I end up sick I'm going to quarantine myself in my room (or at the Mayo, perhaps?...) so that Zoey never gets sick again. I'm soooo glad she's better and I don't think I can take seeing her sick for another day.


  1. High fevers always freaked me out too, glad to hear the li'l cutie is feeling well again! I hope you don't get sick. I recommend Airborne to everyone because it WORKS. It will either keep you from getting sick or at least make you feel lots better if you do get it. :)

  2. Airborne eh? I'm willing to try anything! Thanks for the tip! :)
