Friday, March 11, 2011

Holy Sick Baby, Batman!

Waiting at the doctor's office on Friday.

Zoey has been sick almost constantly since the end of January. Not even exaggerating. Let me break it down for you:

January 27-28 (her first days of daycare): Sick with snot and fever and all that fun stuff. Missed daycare both days (she didn't even make it in). This was the first time she got sick ever.

February 1-4: Still had mucous and coughing galore. Lucky for us there was a blizzard going on so daycare (and work) was closed so we all stayed home.

February 9: We got more snow so I stayed home with Zoey that day. She seemed a little sick and just wasn't acting like herself, so we ventured out in the snow to visit urgent care since I was off work and all. Guess what - she had RSV! The doctor said it wasn't a bad case so she didn't need breathing treatments, only a steroid. Whew!

February 10-11: We have never seen Zoey this miserable. She was so out of it and had a bad fever. Rachel was kind enough to watch her for us and all she did was sleep most of the day. Heartbreaking.

In the meantime... Zoey would get low grade fevers here and there and we constantly were wiping her nose and trying every home remedy we could think of to get rid of this sinus infection or whatever it was. She had about 4 days where we thought she was getting over it and then...

February 23: We go in for Zoey's nine month well baby visit and told the doctor about our visit to urgent care. Just to be sure Zoey had kicked all of her illnesses, the doctor checked Zoey's ears and lungs and discovered that she is wheezing and has infections in both ears. Super! We got amoxicillan and an inhaler, or "apparatus of torture" as the doctor called it. Sounds awesome.

March 6: I fed Zoey egg yolk for the first time. Wait for it....

March 7: Zoey wakes up with a rash covering her entire body. I took her to the doctor, where it was decided that the rash was a reaction to the egg. No more eggs until she's one! Another check of the ears and lungs and both are still bad. We got a new antibiotic, omnicef, and instruction to call if things hadn't improved in the next few days.

March 8: Awful.

March 9: Absolutley miserable.

March 10-11: Not to be too gross, but both mornings Zoey couldn't open her eyes because they were glued shut with eye goo. On top of that she has a horrible diaper rash for some reason, so she stayed home from daycare both days. This morning her fever was 102 so we scheduled a doctor appointment. We saw a different doctor in the practice and she advised us to toss the antibiotic we started only four days earlier, because obviously it wasn't working, and she prescribed augmentin. After the appointment Zoey got a nap in and her fever went away, then Rachel came over to watch the lil' lamb so I could get a few hours of work in (thank god for Aunt Rae!). At 5:15 Rachel called to tell me Zoey's temperature was up to 104 so I came home and called the doctor right away. Zoey looked completely miserable. They advised us to just "watch her" and call them if she gets any worse. I guess they weren't too worried since the Advil we gave her at 5:30 had already dropped her fever by a couple points only 20 minutes later.

So we sit, we watch, we wait, like we have been for the past six weeks...

Going into starting daycare, everyone I talked to who at one time had put their own kids in daycare told me exactly this: "She's going to get sick A LOT." And boy were they right. Zoey was in daycare a total of three days before she was diagnosed with RSV. Could she have contracted it elsewhere? Sure. Coincidence? I think not! Let me say that I am really pleased with our daycare and I'm sure they do the best they can to manage all those runny noses and germy children. I think Zoey getting sick is just part of the process; you're practically begging for a sick child when you throw a baby - who had barely seen another baby in her eight months - into a room with six other kids, five days a week. It's bound to happen.

So now we have to deal with the fallout. Luckily I could use the blizzard as my primary excuse for missing work while Zoey was in the thick of hacking coughs and clogged nostrils. My boss is really understanding about when I have to leave work unexpectedly to go take care of a Zoey issue, and Jimmy's office is very family-focused so he has some flexibility in his schedule as well. I just hate having to ask to leave early or, in some cases, not come in at all. I started the year with a bounty of PTO that is rapidly dwindling... It's days and weeks like this that make me think being a stay-at-homer or working part time would be ideal but that's just not in the cards for now.

Of course Zoey's illnesses have been inconvenient but the worst part is that she's unhappy and feeling terrible. I just want her to feel well again! We have had a few good days here and there in all of this, so every day hasn't been bad, I just want my little lamb to be back to 100%.

Alright Zo - you're getting this out of your system now so that you never miss a day of school, right? Okay? Deal.

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