Wednesday, March 23, 2011

10 Months Old

Zoey, you're such a big girl. Look at you. Standing up so confidently. And I'm behind the camera quickly snapping the picture in case you do a face plant (you didn't). It's amazing to see you looking so happy considering the last month has been marked by frequent doctor visits and sickness after sickness. FINALLY last Tuesday you decided you were all better and we've been soaking in your happy disposition ever since.

The weather improved dramatically this month so we made a couple trips to the park and plan on many more. It's so funny to watch you around so many people - I just sit you on the blanket and you smile and clap as people walk by. So easy to please! You're still clapping a lot and you've added a new talent: waving. You wave allllll the time and then usually follow that up with a little clapping, you know, to reward yourself for such good waving. These are a couple of the things you've learned in day care, which has been going really well, aside from the napping. You usually take about an hour and twenty minutes worth of naps at day care but somehow you manage to spend the evening happily playing and hanging out with mom and dad.

Now let's talk mobility. You got SO close to crawling recently! But no dice. Your new way to get around is by scooting. You learned this from a little girl in your class, and basically it involves you scooting on your little bum across the floor, sometimes with the help of your hands. You can actually get around pretty quickly with this new movement so we have to watch you pretty closely. We're going to go ahead and baby proof the house this weekend because you are getting really fast! Dad works on your pulling up, standing and walking skills every night so you're quickly becoming a pro.
You've really grown up food-wise this month, Zobot. I was nervous about giving you table food but you have really taken to it and have been quite successful! (read: no choking!) Foods you've tried in whole form this month include sweet potatoes, Yukon gold potatoes, grilled chicken, black beans, ground beef, waffles, edamame, peas, carrots, quinoa, rice and bananas. At first it took some convincing to get you to eat more than a couple bites, but now you just dive right in. You have four teeth (we can see two more coming in) so they certainly help. I'm really amazed by it. We're also working on getting you to drink out of a cup but you haven't quite figured that out yet.
I know I say this all the time but I can't believe how old you are already. I ordered your birthday party invitations last weekend. It's just crazy. You're becoming more like a "kid" and less like a baby every day. Your little personality is really starting to come out and I can't wait to see what's in store for next month.

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