Saturday, October 16, 2010

Our Life: Then and Now

So you know everything there is to know about Zoey, but how are mama and papa bear these days?...

Ashley & Jimmy, Before Child

This was taken on our last minute trip to Chicago to see the Cubs in the playoffs in 2008. We were far from spontaneous pre-parenthood but we had our fun. Most weeknights were spent making dinner together, enjoying some T.V., going for a walk, hanging out with the dogs. On the weekends we would sleep til noon if we wanted. If I got up early enough I might meet a friend for coffee and go to the farmer's market. Ah, just thinking about sleeping in makes my heart happy.

Jimmy never went out much but I enjoy a nice night on the town. I loved to sit on the porch at Vintage, savoring a nice glass of wine and the always entertaining company of Sarah, Chase and Natalie. Or hanging out at McNellie's enjoying some sweet potato fries and Guinness with Kayci and Jake. After shutting the bar down we would stop off for Taco Bell and then stay up a couple more hours watching old comedies and listening to Jimmy and Jake make fun of each other. Those were the good ol' days.

Jimmy and I really enjoyed trying new restaurants and going out to eat regularly. If we didn't feel like making dinner we just got in the car off we went (this is a luxury I so took for granted). It's the little things you miss.

The McIntosh Family, After Birth

A typical weekday: I get up around 6:00am, get ready and hope Zoey will wake up before I have to go to work (she usually doesn't). Thank GOD for my sister, who watches Zoey at our house, so we don't have to worry about waking her up and getting her ready every morning. After work I rush home to hang out with the little lady. Jimmy and I trade off playing with Zoey while the other makes dinner. Zoey's bed time routine starts around 8:00, so while one of us is giving her a bath, feeding her and putting her to bed, the other washes bottles and cleans up the house. If she doesn't fight going to sleep (she usually doesn't if we get started before she gets too tired), then Jimmy and I get to spend a little time together watching our latest Netflix selection before we have to go to sleep.

On the weekends we rotate who gets up with Zoey, so we each get to sleep in one day. She's been sleeping until 8:00 or 9:00am so we've been getting some decent sleep on the weekends. I love it when it's my day to get up with her, because she's so happy and smiley in the morning. Even when it's my day to sleep in I usually end up getting up because I can hear Jimmy and Zoey blowing raspberries and cracking up in the living room, and I hate to miss the fun. Since I only get a few hours with Zoey on weekdays I like to spend as much time with her as possible on the weekends. Needless to say I'm not spending all night at the bar anymore. I'm fortunate to have a husband who is a very involved and confident father, so I can go out of the house as I please; however I find that even when I have the freedom to go and do whatever I want, all I want to do is rush home to hang out with my little Zo-bot.

Jimmy and I have been out together without the baby a total of four times. The first time was at the end of July, for my company picnic. I know it's important that we spend time together, just the two of us, but it's almost impossible to completely relax and enjoy it. It's so liberating at first to be able to leave the house without a baby, car seat and giant diaper bag in tow. But not long after we drive away I start to feel the guilt of leaving the baby with someone else. Even if I can get over that I still rush around, whether it's at the grocery store or on a date with Jimmy, because I miss Zoey so much and I can't wait to just look at her little face again. It's pathetic, really.

Jimmy and I are so happy to have started our little family, even though that means life is more challenging. We have to remember to make those little moments we have alone together really count, and sometimes the exhaustion takes its toll and we bicker a bit. Not to sound too cliche, but all in all we're very happy and I know everyday I feel so grateful for everything we have. And I think we make a pretty kick-ass parenting team. On a regular basis we find ourselves just staring at Zoey in amazement and saying "Wow. We did that?" She's just the coolest ever. The end.

Zoey will be five months old on Monday. Where has the time gone...

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