Wednesday, October 20, 2010

First Word

Zoey said "dada" tonight! Jimmy was putting her to bed, and while I was getting him a refill on her bottle he was talking to Zoey to keep her awake. He kept saying "dada" to her, like he does many times a day, and eventually she repeated it. And it was sooooo cute. She was staring right at him, and you can tell she was trying and thinking really hard, and when it came out it was the cutest thing ever. I don't even mind that it wasn't "mama". You could practically see Jimmy melt right there. He's done for. That girl is getting anything she wants from him for at least the next 15 years of her life.

1 comment:

  1. Haha - that's the way it should be! Zoey is a smart cookie. :)
