Monday, October 18, 2010

Five Months Old

Zobot the Robot, you are one awesome little lady. Now that you're five months old you've mastered rolling from your back to your stomach, you've added vegetables to your daily eating repertoire (butternut squash, made by mom), and you laugh with ease. You absolutely love to stand up, and every time you pull yourself up on our hands you open your mouth up really big, like this, because you're just so proud of yourself:

You are such a happy baby, and you're constantly babbling, smiling and laughing. Some things that make you crack up: when Aunt Rae fake sneezes, doing "earthquake tests" in your highchair, when mom and dad blow raspberries on your belly and cheeks, and doing the airplane. You do a strange spitting/raspberry thing when you're mad now, so we definitely know when your mood changes! You really like taking walks now that you've traded in your old carseat frame stroller for some new wheels, so you can sit up now when we go out. We think you might be teething because anything that gets within an inch of your mouth gets slobbered and chewed on.

At night you're still sleeping 10-13 hours, and it seems you've mastered nap time! For the past week you've taken two nice long naps a day, which makes mom and dad very happy. Last weekend we saw another first - your first road trip, to Dallas - and you got to meet lots of mom's family. And you were a champ {almost} the whole time.

Zoey, you're so much fun, and I can't believe you're almost half a year old. You make me feel young and old, silly and responsible, all at once. I can't believe it gets any better than this.

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