Thursday, August 26, 2010

Family Outing Failure

Since Zoey arrived Jimmy and I have been cooped up in the house quite a bit. Any time we need to go out into the world for food, supplies, or that "sunlight" stuff, one of us will stay at home with Zoey and the other will hurriedly run the errands. It's so much easier this way, since we don't have to pack up the little lady and her suitcase of necessaries or plan our outings around her eating and sleeping schedule. Well the hermit life was dragging on us so we decided to plan a family outing for last weekend. Jimmy wanted to do something outdoors but since it was going to be over 100 degrees again we decided against that. So we kept it simple and decided to go to Savastano's and watch the Cubs game. If you're not familiar, Savastano's is this pizza place that prides itself on being very "Chicago-style", so they play all the Cubs games and serve Old Style beer and deep dish pizza. Jimmy is a HUGE Cubs fan and Zoey needed an excuse to wear her Cubs onesie, so off we went.

Clue #1 that this was a bad plan: Zobot woke up after only a 45 minute nap and was not happy. I pretended like I didn't notice because I really wanted to take her out.

Clue #2 that this was a bad plan: When we walked into the restaurant they were showing football, no Cubs game to be found. Bad sign.

It started off pretty well but, long story short, as soon as our food arrived (of course), Zoey started crying. And not just wimpering a little bit, I mean crying like she meant it. We couldn't get her to calm down so I quickly put her in the car seat and took her outside while Jimmy paid, boxed up my food and chugged the rest of my beer (can't let a good Blue Moon go to waste). We were slightly embarrassed. We might as well have had "NEW PARENT" stamped on our foreheads.

That kind of ruined my Saturday. Luckily I had friends over for game night later on so that made up for it. Next time if Zoey is not fully rested I will not - repeat, will NOT - take her out unless absolutely necessary. When this girl is tired she wants to sleep, period. When she is hungry she wants to eat. Don't mess with her schedule and nobody gets hurt!

Here's hoping the next outing goes better...

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