Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Just keepin' it real... 24 weeks 2 days

Since we found out we're having our little Zoey Claire we've been working on the little diva's room. Jimmy painted it a lovely muted purple. It's very soothing and pretty but not too make-you-wanna-puke girly. We found a lovely stretched canvas painting that fit the room perfectly so of course we had to pick that up too. We also purchased a couple outfits - a pretty dress from Baby Gap and a pink and white Cubs onesie with matching bib and booties (an early birthday gift from me to Jimmy). I mean she has to have something to wear when she and her papa watch the games together this fall. We installed a shelf and extra hang bar in the closet and I've been busy washing and folding all the hand-me-downs we've been given so far. And now we wait for the baby showers...

Everything is going well so far! I was just thinking the other day that I've really lucked out with this pregnancy. Other than the AWFUL morning sickness for the first 4 months, I haven't had any complications. I've barely gained any weight so far, my feet aren't swollen, I can still wear a lot of my pre-preg clothes and my doctor always says things are looking great. I feel really lucky. Almost on a daily basis I have someone tell me I don't even look pregnant; however I think that will change in the next couple weeks. Zoey weighs about a pound a half now and she is growing more rapidly. It used to be that she would gain only a half an ounce to an ounce each week but now we're talking about eight ounces a week. Jimmy read somewhere that I could gain 10 pounds in the next 3 weeks. Good lord I really hope that doesn't happen. The belly is getting quite round though! It's very exciting to see it grow. The belly can get as big as it wants as long as I don't get the jowls and cankles.

My doctor told me at my appointment today that she is also pregnant! AND she is due TWO DAYS before me. Talk about bad timing. I'm not going to switch doctors because I really like mine but I will get to know another another doctor in the practice so I can have a back up just in case. Hopefully Zoey will be anxious to get out here and arrive early!

After scaring myself into thinking that delivering a baby will split me in two and I can't do it on my own, I have once again decided that I CAN have this baby naturally. Women do it every day and so can I. I mean it's not going to feel great, I know that, but it's nothing I can't handle. In order to prepare for this undertaking Jimmy and I decided to take Bradley Method classes. The classes are once a week for 12 weeks and they start next Wednesday. I'm excited, I think this will be very beneficial for us in reaching our goal of a natural birth. Of course I know things don't always go the way you want in childbirth so I'm going to be flexible on my birth plan. Ideally, though, I would like to go med-free. My mom did it three times, so surely I can do it. Right?....

  • How far along?: 24 weeks
  • Weight gain: -1 pound
  • Maternity clothes: I'm still wearing pre-preg clothes (pants require the Bella Band) but prefer maternity pants. They are soooo comfy. Plus if I wear regular pants I just look chubby.
  • Sleep: I still can't sleep in and I wake up frequently throughout the night. My hips start to hurt after sleeping on one side for too long.
  • Stretch marks: Nope!
  • Movement: Lots! She's swimming around all the time and kicking a lot.
  • Gender: Girl!!!
  • Best moment of this week: Hearing her heartbeat today (150 bpm).
  • Food cravings: I'm still not having cravings really. I enjoy drinking milk a lot more than I used to.
  • Belly button in or out: In, but getting smaller...
  • What I miss most: My energy and drive to stay up late and go out. Most of my friends work nights so that makes it difficult to see them because I get tired at 9:00 every night.
  • What I'm looking forward to: I get another ultrasound in four weeks, yay!!
  • Words of Wisdom: "Contractions are just like cramps, only worse." - Mom
  • Milestones: Zoey isn't translucent anymore and she has passed the one pound mark!

Just waiting for that belly button to pop out,
Mama Bear

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