Thursday, December 23, 2010

Seven Months Old

Dear Zobot,

Please forgive my tardiness on this post. You are keeping me very busy these days!

Look how big you are! From your seven month picture you look like a chubby baby, but in real life you still look and feel like a little peanut. You're actually wearing age-appropriate sizes now, which makes shopping easier. With all the solids we've been feeding you lately I wouldn't be surprised if you weighed 20 pounds already. In the last month you've significantly increased your mealtime repertoire. You've now tasted squash (zucchini, butternut, and spaghetti varieties), green beans, broccoli, carrots, apples, pears, sweet potatoes (regular and Japanese), turkey, chicken and a variety of cereals. I mean wow. You eat solids three times a day, plus at least 30 ounces of formula, and you're still waking up almost every night. What's the deal? You just miss your ma and want to see her at all hours of the night. I knew it.

I still haven't heard you say 'mama', but dad and Aunt Rachel have. Boo.

Your two bottom teeth have come through and it's sooooo incredibly cute when you smile really big so we can see them. You're so happy all the time so we get to see those teeth a lot. Some things you enjoy right now are your jumper (you jump so hard in it sometimes I think you might flip it over!), blocks, books, and the wooden Brio toys that Grandma C. got you. Pretty much anything you can fit in your mouth is awesome to you.

Christmas is in two days and I cannot wait to watch you open your presents. I know this year is more for me than it is for you, and that's okay. You met Santa this year, and even though you have no idea why it made for a great photo op for your scrapbook (which I still haven't started). Another photo op that will be great - your first crawling! Two days ago you made one crawling movement and dad and I were so proud of you! We can see that you really really want to crawl, you're just not sure how to make it all come together. You do, however, think you can walk already, as you're always reaching for our hands to pull you up and take you around the room. I think we're going to have a lot of back pains in our near future since this is your number one favorite activity. It makes you so happy I can never say no.

I've missed you so much while I'm at work lately. I always do, but lately it's been a lot harder to get through the work day. I mean who wouldn't want to hang out with you all day! Aunt Rachel is so lucky! We had pictures taken to commemorate you turning six months old, and they turned out amazing. I look at these when I miss you and I can't help but smile.

Merry Christmas Zoers!

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