Saturday, November 20, 2010

Six Months Old

Zobotski - so much has happened in the past month. Where to begin...

First of all, you said your first "word" - dada. It's the cutest thing I've ever ever heard. You also said mama a couple times, but not when I was around so I'm pretty sure that doesn't count.

Secondly, you got your first tooth! There are actually two coming through your bottom gums, which has made for some miserable days for you. You've been a little fussy here and there, though it's nothing ma and pa can't handle. I tried to get a picture of them but this was the best I could do:
In the past couple weeks you've been sitting up so well! You've done a couple face plants but mostly you're doing awesome, learning to balance yourself and leaning forward on your legs. Yesterday you sat in a restaurant high chair for the first time and today you mastered a shopping cart. You are officially big time! You're incredibly curious lately too. You like different textures and reach out to grab anything that looks interesting. Anything in your line of sight is reached for and then shaken vigorously. The look on your face when you discover something new is priceless.

You absolutely LOVE "walking" with mom and dad holding your hands. Since you love standing up so much we got you a ridiculously large and garish Baby Einstein jumper, which keeps you pretty happy with all the gadgets and dangly things that hang from it. One day you played so hard you crashed out mid-jump:

You're still sleeping about 10-12 hours a night and you're on a good two nap schedule, though lately you've been waking up several times in the middle of the night. The doctor said this means we need to up your solid food intake, so you've been enjoying a variety of veggies: squash, zucchini and carrots, plus oatmeal and barley cereal. We held off on the fruits until a couple days ago, when you tried apples for the first time. We thought you would love them but you made the worst face and even gagged a bit!

We think you're going to start crawling very soon. If you only had the upper body strength to get up on your hands you would surely take off. For now I really like that I can lay you on the floor and you don't go anywhere, so no rush on being mobile.

A very exciting time is just ahead of us, little lamb. Next week is your first Thanksgiving, and then your first Christmas is just around the corner. Your silly parents are so excited we can barely stand it. I can't believe you're already halfway to your first birthday. We're having so much fun watching you learn and change every day.
Long story short - you. are. the. coolest. ever. That is all.

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