Monday, September 13, 2010

Adventures in Semi-Solids

Zoey had her four month check up last Thursday and came out with a perfect report! The doctor said she looks great and is developing right on track. She again mentioned how lucky we are that Zoey is sleeping so much at night, which really makes me nervous for future child[ren]. I don't know how many times I've heard, "You'll never be this lucky again!" Zoey doesn't need siblings, right?

The stats:
  • Weight: 13 pounds (45th percentile)
  • Length: 24 3/4 inches (77th percentile)
  • Head: 41 1/2 cm (72nd percentile)
The doctor gave us the okay to start rice cereal if we think she's showing the signs that she's ready - good head/neck control (check), drooling (for sure), increased appetite (oh yeah). So we gave it a go yesterday, which resulted in this face -
Zoey did pretty well for a first timer. At this point we just want her to get used to eating a different way than how she's used to (bottles), so we're just happy that she's opening her mouth when the spoon comes towards it. I don't think she cares for the taste so much but surely she'll get used to it.

Zoey turns four months old this weekend. Wow. We will celebrate by visiting no less than three - count 'em, three - festivals: Greek, Scottish, Rock 'n Rib. It is sure to be a tasty weekend.

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