Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Need something to brighten your day? Watch this.

Zoey Laughing

The end.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Four Months Old

Oh, Zobot. You're four months old now, which means you do all kinds of cool stuff, like rolling from your stomach to your back, laughing, smiling, babbling, and chewing on whatever you can get your hands on. Just the other day you discovered a new sound - screeching at the top of your lungs - and you like to do it often to display a range of emotions: happy, sad, tired, irritated. You're still sleeping through the night and you're getting better at napping. When you were first born you looked a lot like your dad, but little by little you're starting look more like ma. You seemed to have discovered your feet over the weekend, so those are providing lots of entertainment to you these days. Most of your time is spent hanging out with Aunt Rachel, since she watches you while ma and pa go to work (though we would much rather be kickin' it with you), and she keeps you on a steady rotation of tummy time, play mat fun, swing time and bouncer excitement, which is your favorite. You're getting more hair and growing so fast! It's hard to believe that at the beginning of the summer you weighed less than six pounds, and now here we are at the start of fall and you're a chubby little baby. A ridiculously adorable and amazing chubby baby.

Every day I feel like the luckiest person alive because of this beautiful little lady and my amazing husband. It's crazy how our life has changed since Zoey arrived but we've managed to adapt pretty well and I feel so fortunate to have all this going on. I can't wait to see what new and exciting milestones the next month brings!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Adventures in Semi-Solids

Zoey had her four month check up last Thursday and came out with a perfect report! The doctor said she looks great and is developing right on track. She again mentioned how lucky we are that Zoey is sleeping so much at night, which really makes me nervous for future child[ren]. I don't know how many times I've heard, "You'll never be this lucky again!" Zoey doesn't need siblings, right?

The stats:
  • Weight: 13 pounds (45th percentile)
  • Length: 24 3/4 inches (77th percentile)
  • Head: 41 1/2 cm (72nd percentile)
The doctor gave us the okay to start rice cereal if we think she's showing the signs that she's ready - good head/neck control (check), drooling (for sure), increased appetite (oh yeah). So we gave it a go yesterday, which resulted in this face -
Zoey did pretty well for a first timer. At this point we just want her to get used to eating a different way than how she's used to (bottles), so we're just happy that she's opening her mouth when the spoon comes towards it. I don't think she cares for the taste so much but surely she'll get used to it.

Zoey turns four months old this weekend. Wow. We will celebrate by visiting no less than three - count 'em, three - festivals: Greek, Scottish, Rock 'n Rib. It is sure to be a tasty weekend.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What's Up With Zoey: Week 15

I have this amazingly cute video of Zoey chatting at me that I really wanted to post here but it won't load. Boo. I hate technology. Basically she "talks" to us a lot now and it's so adorable you want to stab yourself in the eye. Yeah, it's THAT adorable.

So what's new with the little lamb... Zoey is still sleeping through the night, about 11-13 hours straight. I'm still so amazed by this. Her napping is not so good though, so by the time we get home from work she has about 45 minutes of good mood left and then the rest of the night she's fussy. As mentioned already she's babbling a lot. She said "ma" last weekend, though I'm sure she wasn't referring to me. I think it's a little early for her to be making that connection, but it still made my heart melt when she said it. Zoey is now reaching for and grasping things, especially her frog blanket given to us by one of my coworkers. She still really loves it when we sit her up and stand her up, and will only lay flat for a short period of time before she's had enough. This may sound silly, but she's like a 'real' baby now!

Zoey still can't sit up on her own or play on her own for long, so we spend a lot of time just looking at her, making faces at her, making farting sounds on her belly, that sort of thing. Well we noticed this past week that she's trying to imitate all of our weird faces and sounds. Jimmy will make "razzing" sounds at her and when he's done she'll stick her tongue out and kind of spit back at him. It's so awesome to see her trying to mimic him! As I mentioned before, it's the little things that make being a parent fun. To any onlookers I'm sure we look nuts, but we're having a blast.

I can't believe I almost forgot the most important part - she LAUGHED last Saturday! And I'm the one who made her laugh! It was so so great. I spent the rest of the night trying to get her to laugh again and she just kept giving me this look like come on, mom, I'm not your monkey. Hey, I had to try.

Lookin' good, Zobot!

EDIT: Third try is the charm! Here is the video, courtesy of Photobucket.