Friday, July 30, 2010

What's Up With Zoey: Week 10

This has been a week that started poorly and ended wonderfully. Zoey's first day at day care was Monday and her last day was Tuesday. Long story short, Aunt Rachel decided she couldn't live without seeing Zo-bot five days a week so she offered to nanny for us full time! You have no idea how relieved we are. I know she probably would have been okay in day care but for now while she's so young it's probably better that she's at home with family. Plus it's super awesome that we don't have to wake her up in the morning to feed her and get her ready. She can wake up when she's ready and Aunt Ray is there to take care of her. Hooray!

Zoey had her two month appointment yesterday, and this is when the immunizations begin. Jimmy and I are okay with giving vaccines, however we aren't sure we like the amount of vaccines they give at once so we decided to do an alternate schedule. So instead of the normal five to six shots she would have gotten on the usual schedule, yesterday Zoey got only one shot and one oral vaccine. Since we're doing fewer shots at each visit this of course means that we will have to go to the pediatrician twice as much, but the peace of mind is worth the inconvenience. Zoey was also weighed and measured (see below) and checked out in general by the doctor, who said Zoey looks great! She and the nurse were surprised at how long and how well she is sleeping. I guess Zoey's doing really well for a baby her age. She's quite advanced, I knew it.
  • Age: 10 weeks
  • Weight: 10 pounds 14 ounces, 35th percentile (she's almost doubled her birth weight!)
  • Length: 22 1/2 inches, 31st percentile
  • Meals: 4-6 ounces at each feeding, about six to eight times a day.
  • Bed time: 9:00-10:00pm. The pediatrician recommended we put her to bed earlier than we had been since we reported some eating struggles before bed which could be a result of Zoey being overtired.
  • Sleep: Zoey is still sleeping through the night, about 8-10 hours straight. Woohoo!
  • Milestones: Nothing new this week but she is smiling more often.
  • Sounds: Hear for yourself...


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I loved reading your birth story!!

  2. I'm so glad to hear Rachel is watching her full time! I mean I'm sure she'd be fine in daycare but like you said family is better and she'll get more attention. Love the video - she sounds as cute as she looks! :)
