Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hooray! 20 weeks 6 days


I had my 20 week ultrasound on Tuesday, January 12. There was a lot of build up to this day - Jimmy and I were so anxious to find out if we were having a boy or girl and our friends and family were excited to hear the news as well. I felt like it was a girl all along; Jimmy was hoping for a girl but really thought it was a boy because of his family's reproductive history. [Note: the last female McIntosh was born around 1885] They baby was being modest, so it took some patience and poking with the ultrasound wand to get her to show us the money shot, but eventually we got it! You have no idea how shocked and surprised we were when the ultrasound tech told us our baby is a girl! We had to ask if she was totally sure a couple times; we just couldn't believe it. Of course after that we had to call and text everyone we know, and they were all so excited for us. Jimmy's dad was especially happy and proud. It was such a great moment, getting to see our little lady swimming around and doing the robot and whatever else babies do in the womb. My doctor looked over the ultrasound images and said everything looks great! Her heartbeat was 149 bpm and she's perfect. Just perfect.

After we left the doctor's office we went to start the registry. We spent about 4 hours between Target and Babies 'R' Us and registered for most of the gear we will need. Then we decided to tackle baby names. I was sure this would be a very stressful experience since both Jimmy and I are very opinionated people and choosing the baby's name is a huge undertaking. We decided to each make a list of our favorite names, trade lists, mark it down to four names, trade back and pick our two favorite on our own lists. Here's what we came up with:

Jimmy's List: Elizabeth, Abigail, Zoey, Helen, Emma, Brianna, Leah
My list: Lydia, Abigail, Zoey, Sloane, Quinn, Charlotte, Monica, Jillian, Caroline, Elliot, Gwen

Obviously we narrowed it down to Abigail and Zoey pretty quickly since those were the common names between our lists. Jimmy was leaning towards Abigail May and I towards Zoey Claire. We both liked both names - they are both super cute for a little girl or a classy lady - so we decided to sleep on it and think about it. Well, today out of nowhere Jimmy says, "The name can be Zoey". I can't believe we agreed on a name so fast, and without any bickering! It's so nice to be able to refer to the baby as Zoey. I think it's just the cutest name ever. It makes me smile every time I say it.

We got our crib today! It's already set up and looks so great in the room. Tomorrow we're going to look at paint and fabric so we can DIY our crib bedding. It's all starting to come together!

  • How far along?: 20 weeks
  • Weight gain: -3 pounds
  • Maternity clothes: All my non-maternity pants are virtually un-buttonable. People still tell me I don't even look pregnant though. Very strange.
  • Sleep: Pretty good except I can't sleep in any more. Why??!
  • Stretch marks: Nope!
  • Movement: Yep! I love all the little kicks. Jimmy felt her kick for the first time on Wednesday!
  • Gender: Girl!!!
  • Best moment of this week: The ultrasound, hands down.
  • Food cravings: I still haven't had any cravings yet. More nausea this week though :(
  • Belly button in or out: In
  • What I miss most: My energy. I get tired and cranky way too early.
  • What I'm looking forward to: Getting the room set up, picking out bedding, seeing it all come together.
  • Words of Wisdom: "You're going to poo during labor!!!" -Jimmy
  • Milestones: The baby is growing hair! And what a furry baby she will be. :)
So so so happy right now,

Monday, January 11, 2010

The big day is almost here! 20 weeks 1 day

Well, tomorrow is the big ultrasound day! Jimmy and I have been counting down the days for about two months now so we are more than ready. With all the build up to this day the baby better be showing the goods. I really really feel like it's a girl; Jimmy hopes it is a girl but has a feeling it is a boy. Of course we don't care either way, we're just excited to find out and share the news!

What have we been up to the last couple weeks... there was a blizzard on Christmas eve and the snow is still on the ground, it's so weird. It has been extremely cold here recently - several days last week the temperature didn't get above 18 degrees. Since it's been so cold we've just been kind of laying low and staying in and researching a LOT of baby stuff. Well, I have been researching and then I tell Jimmy all about it. We've discussed baby names a little here and there, but we decided we would wait to seriously talk about it once we know if we're having a boy or girl. I can't think of any boy names I like but my girl list is getting pretty long. Jimmy vetoes every name I throw out and he hasn't taken the time to make a list yet. The plan is for each of us to make a list of 5-7 names, then trade lists and circle the two or three we really like, then work from there and come to an agreement. Sounds like a good idea in theory but I know some feelings may be hurt in the process. It's going to be interesting.

We're going to register tomorrow! After we leave the doctor we're going to Target and Babies 'R' Us to set up the gift registries and buy an outfit or two (or three). Of course we're going to want to buy everything we see, but we've got to hold out until after the baby showers. We're ordering the crib this week too! I can't wait because that means I can stop researching cribs. I'm so tired of researching baby products, but it's an addiction at this point. I spend my evenings on the laptop reading the message boards and the consumer reviews. I need a hobby.

The baby has been kicking a lot lately! The kicks started about two weeks ago and they feel like I'm being thumped from the inside. I wasn't sure if they were kicks or gas at first, but after a while I caught on. They can't be felt from the outside yet but hopefully soon - Jimmy can't wait to feel them.

  • How far along?: 20 weeks
  • Weight gain: -3 pounds
  • Maternity clothes: Jeans are all maternity at this point. My work pants are quite snug so I'm buying those in maternity one at a time.
  • Sleep: Still doing well. I get uncomfortable in the morning because I always have to pee really bad but I never want to get up to do it.
  • Stretch marks: Still no - I'm using Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Balm every chance I get.
  • Movement: Yes! Little kicks throughout the day.
  • Gender: My mother's intuition says girl, and we will find out tomorrow
  • Best moment of this week: It will be tomorrow when we go to the doctor.
  • Food cravings: I've reverted back to some old nausea feelings a few days this past week, so bland foods are sounding good again.
  • Belly button in or out: In
  • What I miss most: Wine. This new year's eve just wasn't the same without a nice adult beverage.
  • What I'm looking forward to: Tomorrow's ultrasound and registering.
  • Words of Wisdom: Get your beauty sleep - you don't need anymore pre-child wrinkles.
  • Milestones: The baby now weighs 10 ounces and is the size of a cantaloupe! Lots of exciting development happening lately.
Can't wait til tomorrow!