Saturday, June 4, 2011

One Year Old!

ZOEY! You are one year old! I feel almost as excited as I did the day I went into labor. Almost. I don't know why but I feel we've achieved a huge accomplishment as a family now that you're a year old. Month 12 was a big month for you. Let's recap shall we...

May 9 - you took you first steps! And it was glorious. We had been practicing with you quite a bit, even just trying to get you to stay standing, and hadn't had much luck. Well that night you just decided to go for it; not much prompting was needed. You took two or three steps and dad and I looked at each other in amazement. Then I ran to get the camera, he stood you back up, and you did it again! What a good child you are, waiting for me to get the camera ready. It was so awesome watching you take your first steps, I can't do it justice here. After that we were sure you would just take off, but alas, you were just testing the waters and I guess you weren't as excited as we were, because you didn't take anymore steps for a couple more weeks. You'll usually take about three steps if someone stands you up and tempts you with a toy or your cup. Just yesterday you started becoming more brave and you actually stood up on your own from a sitting position and walked to a toy all by yourself! I saw you take seven steps yesterday. SEVEN! Now we're really getting somewhere! I'm sure you'll be running in no time.

May 13 - this was the day you had your last bottle! We slowly began introducing the cup a couple months ago and ran into various issues with each one we tried. The one with the wide rubber spout and the handles was tricky because you couldn't figure out how to get the liquid to come out - which means you didn't know how to tip it up. The one with the narrow plastic spout without handles was too slippery and had too slow of a flow. The one with the straw was too big and you would easily tire of trying to get liquid out of the straw. You also developed an attachment to your bottles around month 11 and every time you saw one you would scream because you wanted it. This was not a good sign. Thank goodness Miss Dara at day care recommended this cup with a latex spout and curved handles that come up from the bottom - you loved it! You knew exactly how to make it work and it quickly replaced your morning and afternoon bottles. The bedtime bottle we were sure would be a challenge, so we were very careful to replace that bottle time last. You surprisingly did not miss it because you love this cup SO much. I just packed the bottles away for good last weekend (well, maybe not for good but for now), which I am so stoked about because that means I don't have to wash any more bottles!!! I don't know why I thought buying bottles with five tiny parts each was a good idea. We got really fast and efficient at washing all twelve bottles but we dreaded it every night.

May 15 - we began introducing whole cow's milk. The doctor advised us to slowly introduce milk, so as not to upset your stomach, and it has been going great so far. The first week we did one ounce of milk with three ounces of formula, the second week we started doing half and half. We're still doing half and half, only because we have two packages of formula left and I would hate to waste it. I am extremely happy to say we have bought our last box of formula!!! We would buy it at Sam's, because it's so expensive and they have the best deal in town, and I hate going to Sam's with a passion. The only reason we have a Sam's card is because of formula. I think this might make me happier than not having to wash bottles!

Other exciting things that happened this month... we can tell that you're now using some words on purpose, so you're not just babbling "mamamama" anymore, you're actually looking at me and saying "mama". I love it! You also say Bella, bye bye, ball, belly (it comes out "beh", but I know what you're saying), Dara (your teacher's name) and you try to say a lot more but we usually can't make any of it out. You try to repeat us a lot, so we're definitely watching what we say! You also just started transitioning to the "Onesies" room at day care. We've been waiting for this day, not because we're unhappy with your current room, but because in the Onesies room the kids are all on the same schedule which means one long nap time for everyone. You've slept in there a few times already with great success! One day you took a two hour nap. No lie. It's amazing. We also think that being around all those kids who are walking will encourage you to do the same. This is the type of peer pressure that we like! In your new room you'll also get to do water play, art projects, lots of singing and dancing, and one of your teachers loves styling your hair so I expect you will come home with lots of awesome hairdos in the near future!

We went in for your one year check up a few days after your birthday, and here are your stats:
  • Weight: 19 lbs, 11 oz (27th percentile)
  • Height: 30 inches (77th percentile)
  • Head: 46.5 cm (85th percentile)
  • Height-for-weight: 17th percentile
So we (your dad) kind of joke about how big your head is.. actually I don't think it's big, I think it looks like a normal baby head because pretty much all babies have big-ish heads that look disproportional.. but there it is in black and white - 85th percentile. :)

Now let's talk food. You are an amazing eater. Anyone who sees you eat is impressed, not only by the amount that you consume but by the variety that you enjoy. Lately nothing is off limits, so we're taking advantage of that and letting you try lots of things. I also think you eat a lot, but that could be because you're much more active now. You are constantly on the move so you're burning through those calories fast! I really thought you would be over 20 pounds at your one year check up with the way you're eating, but your weight is actually on the lower end of the spectrum. I love that you're an adventurous eater; it makes me proud!

I'm so amazed that in one year you've gone from this
to this
And I'm even more amazed that I've gone from this
to this
(not quite as clueless, and a little more rested!)
I can't tell you how happy I am to be your mother. We are just starting to have a lot of fun and I'm so excited for this next year! We have come such a long way as a family. I know people do this every day but it's really weird to me that it's us, doing this every day! I think we're getting pretty awesome at being parents, and I hope you agree, little Zobot. We love you so so much. Happy one year!!!

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