I've been having more of those stabbing cervical pains lately. I'm thinking the more pain, the more progress. The last couple days I've had quite a bit of these sensations so who knows maybe I'm 3cm by now! Sheeyeah, right. I can dream, can't I. I'm still feeling pretty well most of the time. It's getting harder to get comfortable when I sleep and I need help sitting up and tying my shoes sometimes. And today I noticed that my cankles are coming in. My legs and feet feel tight and a bit swollen, but I'm not waddling quite yet. I still haven't felt any contractions but apparently I could still be having them. My stomach does tighten up regularly so I guess this could be pre-labor contractions, they're just undetectable. Pain-free contractions - love it.
I cannot believe I only have three and a half weeks until my due date. It's so weird that Zoey can arrive pretty much any day now. Jimmy and I are so excited we can barely stand it.
- How far along?: 36 weeks
- Weight gain: 18 pounds
- Maternity clothes: blah. I miss real pants.
- Sleep: Lots of tossing and turning and trying to get comfortable and getting up to pee a lot.
- Stretch marks: I don't want to talk about it.
- Movement: Lots of big, weird movements and the stabbing pains down low and in my legs.
- Gender: Girl!!!
- Best moment of this week: Hearing I was 1cm dilated on Tuesday!
- Food cravings: Nothing notable really. I've actually had some nausea lately and haven't felt very hungry most of the time.
- Belly button in or out: In!
- What I miss most: Booze and real pants.
- What I'm looking forward to: My appointment next Tuesday. Anyone think I can get to 2cm by then? :)
YAYYYY! I'm all excited too! Yay for dilating and stuff! Yay for contractions! Yay for you're havin' a baby! Yay for cankles! oh wait no . . . But YAY for getting to drink booze and wear normal pants soon! Woo hoo!