Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Eight Months Old

Talk about waiting til the last minute - you're almost nine months old and I'm just now getting to this update. yeeesh.


First of all, getting older for you hasn't changed one thing, which is that you're still super awesome and you're the best ever. I mean look at that picture - you're so happy! The only times you aren't happy are when you're tired or really hungry, and when we have to take your toothbrush away. I don't know why, but wow you really love that toothbrush.

Month eight was exciting because you had your first Christmas. You got so many great presents from our friends and family, and you had a pretty fantastic day overall. First we opened presents at home, or rather you tried to eat the wrapping paper and bows while your sappy mom kept saying "Yay!" and "Ooh Zoey look at that!" Then we went to Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Jason's house for brunch with dad's family, and came back home for dinner with mom's family and Grandpa Jim. It was a lovely day.

You haven't had a well baby check up since you turned six months old so I don't have any stats, but I'm thinking you're nearing the 18 pound point. You're eating about 2-3 ounces of fruits/veggies and cereal three times a day, plus about 20-24 ounces of formula. I didn't notice how much you've grown until we recently had to pack away a lot of your 3 month and 3-6 month pants and onesies. I hate when you can't wear your adorable little outfits anymore, but hey it's an excuse to go shopping for more so that's okay. People tell us all the time how pretty you are, and of course we wholeheartedly agree. You're so pretty and smart and perfect. There you have it, from a completely objective point of view. ;)

You actually crawled this month! Okay so it was only like two movements but that's alright. You haven't mastered crawling yet but what you can do is push your arms against the floor, which moves you backwards. I think it confuses and frustrates you a bit but hey it's something! I still think you'll walk before you can crawl. You're pulling up on furniture {and us} all the time and you can actually stand on your own without holding anything for about 10 seconds at the most. Pretty impressive. You're so determined to walk, I think you'll be doing it within the next two months.

Some things you love right now: the dogs ("love" is an understatement), walking with the help of anyone who will hold your hands, jabbering at us (you say "mama" all the time now!), chewing on everything, and playing with all the new toys you got for Christmas (the Say Please Tea Set and Shape Sorting Cube are a couple of your favorites).

The only bad news this month: Aunt Rachel has decided to move on to bigger things so you will be starting day care at the end of the month. We found a really great place for you so I really hope you like it! It will be good for you to socialize and discover that there are other babies in the world, but I sure will miss seeing you during my lunch hour.

Keep on keepin' it real, Zobot!